I did coastal erosion in the United Kingdom. Coastal erosion is the wearing away of land or the removal of beach or dune sediments by wave action, tidal currents, wave currents, or drainage. The United kingdom is located in Europe and is surrounded by a body of water. As this body of water continues to rise many people that are living on the coast of the UK are vulnerable to getting there land taken over by water. They are also susceptible to coastal erosion as the water starts to rise. As you can see in the picture to the right, these houses are dangerously close to getting hit by this coastal erosion.
The main idea to escape from this is to try and retreat away. in 2008 there we 6 villages in danger of getting wiped out by coastal erosion. They don't have much time left to actually retreat. Withing the next few years, there is a huge chance that flooding will occur. It already has in the past. All these villages well be under water in the next few years if people don't act. As of now coastal erosion is taking over 17% of the coastline in the UK. The town that will suffer the soonest and also get hit the hardest is a town known as Happisburgh. They have tried to set up concrete, and wooden defenses aga

As of now there are tons of spots along the coastline that are suffering from this devastation. If people do not act quickly, much of the UK could end up under water. As of now many groups of people are trying to support this retreat, and do things such as fundraisers to help earn money to buy these people a new home. If they move they are leaving there home to the sea, but if they Don't act quickly, they could suffer. The picture to my left is Happisburgh in 2008. Imagine how it looks now? It's a matter of time before this beautiful town, falls at the hand of the sea.
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